PMM - Power Meter Monitor


IEC 101/104 - MODBUS API

PMM-da-720-series-image-1-(1).jpg | PMM


  • Many hardware options to fit your needs
  • Protocol conversion between Modbus RTU/ASCII/TCP, IEC 60870-5-101 IEC 60870-5-104
  • Supports IEC 60870-5-101 master/client and slave/server and IEC 60870-5-104 master/client and slave/server
  • Supports stnadard Modbus RTU/TCP.
  • Easy configuration via Web-based Server
  • Status monitoring and fault protection for easy maintenance
  • MicroSD card for configuration backup and duplication for event logs option
  • Multiple PMM Hardware Chassis to choose from with wide range of configurable communication ports
  • Hardware chassis meet all power substations and PV plants requirements covering all field standards of power, reliability, easy configuration and long-lasting life
10 in stock
Base Price: 500 $
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PMM0403 is a highly configurable industrial Ethernet gateway device which is capable of performing protocol conversion between Modbus and IEC Networks. It supports Modbus RTU/TCP, IEC 60870-5-101 and IEC 60870-5-104 network communications. PMM0403 provides the flexibility needed to fulfill the various conditions that arise with field devices that use different communication protocols to connect to the SCADA system.

This converter can be used as a Modbus master/client or IEC 60870-5-101 master to collect and exchange data with IEC 60870-5-104 systems.

PMM0403 gateways support a system log function that records events; users can easily review log data remotely through a web interface. The gateways also support status monitoring and fault protection functions. The status monitoring function notifies the SCADA system. When a device gets disconnected or does not respond, in such case the SCADA system gets the status of each end device and then issues alarms to notify operators.

PMM0403 can be contained within multiple hardware chassis which are designed with a wide range of highly configurable communication ports needed in the field. All hardware chassis are rugged, powerful, reliable, fanless and cover a wide range of power supply options that offer a high level of performance and low level of power consumption. The system is especially designed to meet all power substations and PV plants requirements. Furthermore, it covers all field standards of power, reliability, easy configuration and long-lasting life.

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