Data Logging
Records several thousand data channels with a resolution of up to one second
Modbus-RTU, Modbus TCP, inverter protocols, sensor protocols, IEC 101 and IEC104 protocols
Data Transfer
FTP, SFTP, FTPS Server and Client functionality
Simple HMI
Web browser-based visualization and control interface
Configuration Interface
Browser based web-frontend
Absolute production constraint
A controlling function used to limit the active power generated at the point of connection
Power Gradient Constrain
Enforces a gradient at which the plant must ramp its active power to the desired set point, to prevent disturbances on the network
Voltage Control
Regulates the voltage at the point of connection
Reactive Power Control
Regulates the reactive power at the point of connection
Power Factor Control
Regulates the plant at a constant power factor at the point of connection
Frequency Control
As defined in the grid code, it considers both under and over frequency conditions